2020 climate change pledges

2020 is the start of a new decade and one of the biggest challenges ahead of us is facing climate change. It’s something we need to work on together.

As a member of 1% For The Planet and supporter of We Are Possible, in 2020, I’d like to put forward a set of values to help encourage others to become more sustainable. 

Lifestyle Landslides.

Making lifestyle changes should be at the forefront of people’s minds going into the new decade. I already take public transport on a daily basis to commute to the city, rather than unnecessarily using my car. But, I’d like to go further with the following points:

  • Stop using takeaway coffee cups.

  • Only use plastic bottles if necessary. If so, they must be re-used the maximum number of times before being recycled. 

  • Avoid single-use plastic products as much as possible.

  • Stop using or buying products containing substances like glitter.

  • Ensure diet is healthier.

This list will adapt and expand over time.

Being Active.

A big problem we have is complacency. And I’m not even going to shift the blame, because I am guilty of this too. We all love convenience and ease-of-use, these two factors alone are why we have so many amazing products on the market. However, it has become apparent that a lot of these products (like ready-meal packaging, as one example) are terrible for the environment. They may be supporting our fast-moving lives but the cost of our ignorance is damaging our planet. 

People don’t like change.

The truth is though, change is needed more than ever. On average, it only takes 66 days to form new habits - this is nothing if it contributes to a healthier world. 

I’m going to start being more active with the charity I am supporting, We Are Possible, in spreading ways you can actively help the environment in your everyday life. This involves:

  • Attending charity events and strikes as much as possible.

  • Sharing content on social media to drive engagement and awareness for particular campaigns.

  • Offering full pro-bono social and digital services whenever needed.

  • Publishing my personal journey to becoming more sustainable.

There’s certainly a lot more I can do. But, so can you. Just attending a strike can have a huge difference. Chances are, I’ll probably end up doing more than the points put forward. These are just the core proposals I’d like to begin pushing forward in the new decade.

Smart Funding. 

As mentioned, since March 2018 I’ve been a member of 1% For The Planet. It’s a brilliant organisation that helps individuals and businesses connect with charities whilst being part of an environmentally-conscious community. Being an individual member, I support a London-based charity called We Are Possible - a percentage of my income goes towards maintaining my 1% For The Planet membership and the rest goes towards the charity. 

In 2020, I will be continuing this membership. Whilst most of my work in the new year will be directly related to the charity I support, I would like my 1% membership to lay a solid groundwork and add a foundation to this. I’ll be trying to make the most of my membership value in 2020 - as it is optional credibility to have. I’ll be making my initial donation and pledge, but throughout the year I will actively fund and promote campaigns run by We Are Possible. 

Like the sound of my 2020 plan? Join me. Share your journey in becoming more sustainable using #ItOnlyTakes1 and follow @charlietawright on Instagram for updates.


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