
Please note that this policy is currently be reviewed in-line with the latest EU laws on data & privacy.

Last updated: 05/01/2019

Welcome to my Privacy Policy, it is here to make you aware of how data is collected and used on this website. This website actively collects anonymous data from users as they browse and/or if they get in contact.

Where is data collected?

When filling out any contact forms around the site, I will see and store information you decide to give. This can include your name, email address, subject and any other notable points mentioned in your query. Everything that does get collected is done securely and safely, you can rest assured that I do not sell any of your data on and it’s all collected under the Data Protection Act of 1998.

Data is also collected using a site Analytics system, which is explained in more detail in the next point.

How is data collected?

As mentioned above, I like to monitor sitewide analytics to see how the experience can be advanced. In the digital world, it is common for website owners to take an interest in performance, and it is done with the user at heart. Everything collected is anonymous and users are not identifiable, no personal information or characteristics are given to me.

What is Analytics showing me?

The default Analytics tool built into this website’s CMS (content management system), uses Cookies to gather information. I’ll break it down for you below:

Sources of traffic, which include the following:
- The country users are in when visiting
- The devices users are using when visiting
- The browser users are on when visiting
- The operating system users are on when visiting

Interactions, which include the following:
- How users interact with the contact form available
- Popular content across the site
- Search keywords
- What users search on the site (“search” feature currently unavailable)

What are Cookies?

A Cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the web browser while browsing.

Like many other websites in the world, I use Cookies. They make your experience more advanced and personalised by storing information securely to help certain areas function.

Disabling Cookies on a website can limit your functionality and interrupt your experience. If you’d like to remove Cookies then it is possible, learn how here.

So, why is data collected?

In summary, I collect information because it makes life much easier. Sitewise, I can see how users are interacting which therefore gives me ideas on areas to improve on.

However, with the contact form it is simply about getting back in touch with the user who sent me a question/query.

How often is data checked?

When writing new content or checking-in with my portfolio, I will use the analytics to justify certain decisions.

This could be absolutely anything from the content I decide to create to changing certain site elements. So, I usually check data at least once a month which isn’t very often.

Do you delete data?

Of course, if a user gets in contact and I respond to their question, or decide not to work with them then anything I had from their email will be deleted. Please understand though, with site Analytics I do not store the data - it is just tracked by Cookies and provided via the platform.

How do I request to see data you have on me?

I make it easy for anybody to see information stored on them. Currently, I do not run any form of advertisement and don’t own any information as it is all anonymous. However, if you have contacted me through this website or possibly made an enquiry then there may be some basic information stored securely. Whilst the chances are slim, I am obliged to have a simplistic process prepared for anybody requesting data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Send me an email to

Please make sure to include the following:

  • Your name

  • What information you’re interested in knowing

  • If you’re a business or an individual

Within 48 hours of acknowledging your query, I will provide you with any information that is saved about you.